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Fruit update: 20 July

This week’s fruit update:
🍎 Lots of redcurrants ready for picking!
🍎We have more blackcurrant trays. Please call to check and reserve your trays. We do not take reservations via social media. 3kg £10, 8kg £20.
🍎No strawberries right now but more coming later this summer.
🍎All cherries and tayberries are finished.
🍎Plenty of blackberries and a few raspberries.
🍎 The first few Lancelot plums are getting ripe and will build up through the week.

We look forward to seeing you all this weekend!

Fruit prices:

  • Redcurrants: £5 /kg
  • Blackcurrants (trays only): £10 3kg, £20 8kg.
  • Blackberries and raspberries: £6.50 /kg
  • Lancelot plums: £3.50 /kg
  • Rhubarb: £3.50 /kg

Opening days and times:

Monday: Closed
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: Closed
Friday: 10am-6pm
Saturday: 10am-6pm
Sunday: 10am-6pm

Parking: two hours max

To ensure that everyone is able to come and enjoy the farm during busy periods, we ask that you keep your visit to two hours or less.

This only applies for those parking – those cycling, walking or bussing it here are welcome to stay as long as you want! Enjoy your picking! 


Please use the specified picnic area. Please do not picnic amongst the fruit.

No Dogs

While we love dogs, our fruit does not! During the picking season please do not bring your dog to the farm.

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